Enhance performance for the 11 Plus exam by increasing speed

Enhance your performance in 11 Plus exams by 11 Plus preparation:

From 11PluseHelp.co.uk:

  1. Start with the basics and fundamentals, and practice various problems.

  2. Use timed tests to track progress and practice various questions.

  3. Sit with your children when they are doing tests and note the questions where they struggle or take more time to answer.

  4. Focus on topics where they are struggling or taking more time to answer.

  5. Practice as many tests as possible, and don’t pay too much attention to mistakes.

  6. With much practice, mistakes should disappear, and technique will improve.

  7. Identify strengths and weaknesses in different subjects. Focus on strengthening weaker areas while maintaining proficiency in stronger ones.

  8. Learn shortcut methods for solving math problems and techniques for quickly comprehending passages in reading comprehension.

  9. Develop mental math skills to perform calculations quickly without relying heavily on written calculations.

  10. If you get stuck on a question, skip it and return to it later if time permits. Don’t let one difficult question consume all your time.

  11. Review your performance After each practice session to identify improvement areas. Reflect on strategies that worked well and those that need adjustment.

  12. Maintain a positive mindset during the exam. Keep calm under pressure, and trust your preparation and abilities to tackle the questions effectively.

11PluseHelp.co.uk – Use online practice tests that record time marks, preserve history, analyse reports per test, and explain all questions and other useful tips.

You can access 11 Plus FREE Papers by visiting the below link:

You can access 11 Plus FREE Sample Papers by visiting the below link:

11 Plus complete solution features:


Practice and Perseverance Over Genius and Talent



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