Identify Strengths and Weaknesses through the 11 Plus Assessment

Identify Strengths and Weaknesses through the 11 Plus Assessment:

We firmly believe that removing time limits for 11 Plus exams would ensure a more equitable assessment, allowing children to demonstrate their true abilities. Some may require more time to answer, while others may be quicker, resulting in similar marks for all candidates.

Identifying your child’s strengths and weaknesses in the 11 Plus exam process provides a significant advantage in preparing for Grammar and Independent school assessments. At, our commitment lies in enhancing your child’s performance by developing innovative methods, tests, and resources. We continuously strive to refine our approach, ensuring optimal support for your child’s exam preparation journey.

To enhance speed in 11 Plus exams, effectively addressing your child or student’s weaker areas is crucial. Encourage regular practice on these topics to overcome challenges such as making careless errors, grasping concepts, and tackling questions of varying difficulty levels.

Use for Stronger and Weaker topics:

Know Student Weakness:

11 Plus – Know your Child or Student Weakness or Incorrect Questions with a single click


11 Plus Performance Report Dashboard:

11 Plus Performance Report Dashboard

Total Practice Test Time vs Individual Question Time.

Our platform offers a distinctive ‘question time’ feature designed specifically to pinpoint your child’s weaker areas in the 11 Plus exam.

🚩 Individual Question Time

This shows the time taken by you to mark an individual answer, i.e. Time taken to complete a questionnaire of the practice test. The below 11 plus example took 211 secs (approximately 3.52 minutes) to answer question no.1, whereas it took 4.7 minutes to answer all the remaining questions. One question took half of the test time. This question (topic) needs some explanation or revision to improve speed.


11 Plus Students Overall Comparision Tutor Report:

🚩 Total Time Taken

This feature shows the total time taken by you to complete the whole practice test. The time is calculated in minutes, and the actual time to complete the test is 10 mins or 15 min based on the test paper you are taking. Therefore, in the below 11 plus test paper of bar graphs, the Total Time Taken is 8:24 mins.


Improve speed in 11 Plus exams

11 Plus Grammar / 11 Plus Independent schools are highly competitive, and any techniques to improve speed will put your children in front of others. If you know the questions in which your child is struggling, you can focus on those topics (weaker) than other topics (stronger).

11 Plus Grammar and Independent schools preparation

You can access 11 Plus FREE Papers by visiting the below link:

You can access 11 Plus FREE Sample Papers by visiting the below link:

11 Plus complete solution features:

Practice and Perseverance Over Genius and Talent


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