11 plus Paragraph Reading

11 Plus paragraph reading

A paragraph may be defined as a portion or section of a written work to test or to determine how well students can understand written or spoken language.

Reading paragraphs measures and increases the level of understanding of a text or passage. The reader must be able to trace out its context and key elements. Fundamental skills required in reading paragraphs or reading comprehension are knowing the meaning of words and understanding the meaning of a word under the given context.

11 Plus English Paragraph Reading Tips :

  • Sometimes 11 Plus English Paragraph Reading Tips are helpful for reading the questions before the text
  • Don’t just stop with simple answers. Depending upon the question marks, try to explain and put your points forward
  • If you don’t understand a word, read around it and try to understand the context.
  • Notice ‘in your own words, ‘with specific reference to the passage’ or ‘use
    evidence from the passage to support your answer’ before answering a question
  • P-E-E => When answering, try to follow the Point, Example, and Explanation format
  • Skimming and scanning technique.

Regular reading habits and practising English Paragraph will improve reading comprehension.

11 Plus English Preparation


During the Eleven Plus English exam, comprehensive skills are tested. First, the child must thoroughly review the given text passage and answer the questions below related to that Comprehension. Each question has the options provided below. The questions may be asked on either something related to the text or to test your vocabulary skills, like finding out the meanings of idioms used and some unusual words.

11 Plus English Papers with Answers

We have been adding the 11 Plus independent past English Papers continuously. By practising those papers, students can clearly understand the Comprehension Papers.

11 Plus English Topic-Wise Free Practice Tests

The below one contains some Paragraph Reading tips which will help to understand the paragraph. They should be able to read quickly, fluently and understand accurately. Since every option seems correct, children must think carefully and answer under exam conditions.

11 Plus English Comprehension Tips

11plusehelp.co.uk is a one-stop-shop for your child to practise 11 plus English questions of different types. We have 11 English practice papers, free practice English verbal tests, 11 plus English comprehension papers, 11 plus English sample papers from all exam boards, and 11 plus English past papers, including mock test English.

Free 11 Plus Cloze Practice Papers

Doing lots of tests will expose children to new words every time. Moreover, the words they come across should be adequately learnt for sustainable performance improvement.

11 Plus Topic-wise Free Practice Papers

Some Questions from 11 Plus Independent School Past Papers:

11 Plus English Long-Comprehension

Manchester 11 Plus English Past Paper

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