11 Plus Revision

11 Plus Revision

11PluseHelp.co.uk has various Topic wise tests, Mixed type tests, Short tests, Long tests and Mock tests for your child’s 11 plus revision.

Are you worried about missing key points or formulas or shortcuts or acronyms for upcoming exams? Using MyFlashcards.co.uk, you can keep all the key points, formulas, shortcuts or acronyms in one place and revise them online anytime.

Creating a realistic plan for your 11 Plus Revision is key to entrance exam success. You need to have a clear idea about what you need to revise on exam day and find areas where you are less confident. It is also suggested to create a revision timetable to help you manage your time.

Make your 11 Plus Revision active. Instead of just reading the notes, prepare short notes writing all the important points for a quick recap in future. You could make use of our online flashcards for this purpose. Our Flash Card feature allows the child to add their notes for each subtopic and categorise them accordingly.

11Plus-MockExams Mocks are an ideal way to improve your child’s exposure to real exam conditions. However, many children still lack exam techniques and ‘know-how’ to apply them to tackle time-pressured exams successfully. So 11Plus-MockExams is here to improve your child’s ability to sit their real-time eleven+ entrance exam through continuous practice.

Myflashcards.co.uk is a great revision website that can be used in numerous ways to prepare for academic or competitive exams in a stress-free environment.

Create your own Private Flashcards and use them anytime. Use innovative images to understand concepts in a simple way.

11Plus-MockExams encourage your child to remain motivated and help to boost performance and build confidence in the lead-up to the summer mocks and the real 11+ exams. The children will get familiarised with the following:

  • different question styles of worded problems and strategies for answering each style
  • to avoid silly errors and tackle questions under time pressure
  • to remain motivated up until the exam
  • focus in the lead-up to the exams
  • the most effective methods for revision

We offer you many mock tests covering all 11 Plus subjects Maths, English, Verbal Reasoning and Non-Verbal Reasoning for 11 Plus Revision.

You can get complete information about 11 Plus Mock Tests here:

FREE Online 11 Plus Mock Exams

We have General Mock Exams, CSSE Maths Mock papers, GL Maths Assessment papers and VR/NVR Mock tests. In addition, the following mock tests are available, and much more are being added regularly. You can take a mock test any time, and the results will be displayed immediately. Thus, you can absorb the chance of success, strength and weakness of children.

Check out the below article to know more about GL Mocks:


11 Plus Revision Papers:

General Mock Test 01
General Mock Test 02
General Mock Test 03
General Mock Test 04
General Mock Test 05
GL Assessment Maths Paper 01
GL Assessment Maths Paper 02
GL Assessment Maths Paper 03
GL Assessment Maths Paper 04

CSSE Maths 01
CSSE Maths 02
CSSE Maths 03
CSSE Maths 04
CSSE Maths 05
CSSE Maths 06
CSSE Maths 07
CSSE Maths 08
CSSE Maths 09
CSSE Maths 10

VR Mock Test 01
VR Mock Test 02
VR Mock Test 03

NVR Mock Test 01
NVR Mock Test 02
NVR Mock Test 03
NVR Mock Test 04

Thousands of children have benefitted from our mock tests, with good feedback from their parents.

MyFlashcards.co.uk is an innovative platform built by professionals to make learning simple, fun and stress-free.

We aim to cover most topics across the subjects. We try to add new topics regularly. Some flashcards are given below.

11Plus Maths
Active voice – Passive voice
Active voice 1
Active Voice 2
Adjectives 2
Area of Rectangle and Square
Areas of 2D Shapes Basics
Creative Writing suggestions
Cube Numbers

11 Plus Complete Features

11 Plus Complete Features


Check out the below article to know more about Tiffin mocks:

Tiffin Boy’s school Mocks

Please go through our article to know more about Tiffin girl’s school mocks:

Tiffin Girl’s school Mocks

11 plus Mocks tests:

11 plus Mocks tests

Feedback from Parents:

” …Finally, my 2 daughters got what they wanted – a place in CCHS (CEM), which is the only one we were targeting for. I am very thankful for all the help from 11plusehelp…”

” …Compared to other sites, the quality of the material is excellent. They have a good range of materials. My son passed 2 grammar school exams, including Altrincham Grammar School. ….”

Pretest Independent School Topic-wise Mock Tests

Pretest Independent School Topic-wise Mock Tests

For more feedbacks, visit: https://www.facebook.com/11PluseHelp/posts/384771388558761.

11 Plus VR Mock Tests, English Comprehension, Independent papers with answers:


These tests are useful for preparing CEM, CSSE, GL Assessment, Independent Schools, Grammar Schools and any other 11 Plus entrance examinations in the UK.

11 Plus Mock Exam Papers

11 Plus Mock Exam Papers

11 Plus Exams and Papers

It’s a completely online platform with a lot of explanations.

11 Plus Mock Tests List:


More and more Tests are being added regularly…

11 Plus Mock Test 2020

You can access 11 Plus FREE Papers by visiting the below link:

You can access 11 Plus FREE Sample Papers by visiting the below link:

11 Plus complete solution features:


Practice and Perseverance Over Genius and Talent



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