Redbridge Offers

Redbridge Offers

Our Users got excellent scores and placements in top Grammar schools and Independent Schools all over the U.K.

Got offers from top schools, HBS, QE, CSSE, KEGS, Westcliff, Colchester, Berkshire, Bucks, Reading, MGS, Altrincham, Ilford, Kent, Bexley, Sutton etc schools. has more than 15,000 questions with over 1000 tests in all Maths, English, Verbal Reasoning and Non-Verbal Reasoning subjects.

Feedback from the parents:

Feedback from our user:

Very delighted to let you know that our son Soham has secured 1st rank in QE (100% marks-282/282), 1st rank in Kent (100% marks in all the 3 subjects 423/423). He also secured outstanding result in Bexley (Top 180-Rank 7 With 100% in Maths), in CSSE exam-393.16 (enough to get admission in KEGS), in Latymer (Top 192) and finally in Redbridge top rank (129.21). Awaiting 2nd round result for Sutton (Wilson)

This year it was indeed a very long and challenging 11+ journey which has now finally ended for us on a very happy note. Soham made us very proud by comfortably clearing all the grammar school exams and scoring top marks

Many Thanks to for providing the online 11+ Preparation Platform. During Lockdown time it became more important to practice online regularly apart from the usual practice books at home as there face to face options available. The quality of all the subject tests and mocks is truly outstanding. Soham used to go daily subject/topic wise mocks and 10 minute tests and also practised a lot of independent school papers and full mocks available on the website.

Many Thanks once again for all the support and encouragement provided throughout the year.Wishing you all the very best.


11 Plus Grammar School Exam Results 2020

HBS Offers

11 Plus Complete solution features:

11PluseHelp Videos: offers few FREE / DEMO Tests.

You can access a few DEMO / FREE Tests here:

Practice and Perseverance over Genius and Talent

Thanks, Team


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