HBS Offers

HBS Offers:

Our Users got excellent scores and placements in top Grammar schools and Independent Schools all over the U.K.

Got offers from top schools, HBS, QE, CSSE, KEGS, Westcliff, Colchester, Berkshire, Bucks, Reading, MGS, Altrincham, Ilford, Kent, Bexley, Sutton etc schools.

11PluseHelp.co.uk has more than 15,000 questions with over 1000 tests in all Maths, English, Verbal Reasoning and Non-Verbal Reasoning subjects.

Feedback from the parents: https://www.facebook.com/11PluseHelp/posts/384771388558761

Feedback from our user:

Thank you 11plusehelp for your amazing learning portal, my daughter secured a place in HBS and CCHS. I have no doubt in my mind that you are the best out there for 11plus exam preparation.

One of the things that I was most impressed by in the 11plusehelp portal is how great the content was!. Getting some content is not a big deal, anyone can put together some content, but producing the highest quality content that is very relevant and appropriate for a specific school, with difficulty level adjusted according to the child’s age group and their level of knowledge is something amazing, well-done 11plusehelp.

In addition to subject-specific resources and practise tests, other areas I found very very useful were mock tests and solutions to 100s of past papers from a variety of Grammar and Private schools.

HBS Offer
HBS Offer
Thanks again!
11 Plus Grammar School Exam Results 2020

Feedback from another user:

Thanks to 11 plus ehelp, we took a subscription in 2017 for my elder daughter and she cleared HBS and all other schools she applied for with top marks.
Now we have subscribed again for my second daughter and I’m very happy with 11plus ehelp and hopeful that my second daughter will clear with top marks too.
The team is just minutes away if you have any queries regarding their services which gives peace of mind to the parents.

11PluseHelp Videos: https://www.facebook.com/pg/11PluseHelp/videos/

11PluseHelp.co.uk offers few FREE / DEMO Tests.

You can access a few DEMO / FREE Tests here: https://11plusehelp.co.uk/user/quizzes/free

Practice and Perseverance over Genius and Talent


11PluseHelp.co.uk Team



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