Grammar or Independent schools?

11 Plus Grammar or Independent schools?

Grammar or Independent schools? gives you full insight regarding this issue of school selection. The education of a child is of primary concern to every set of parents. As soon as a child reaches the age of attending a secondary school, the first question that parents are confronted with is: A Grammar school or an Independent school? As a parent, you might always wonder about the difference between State Grammar and Independent schools? Let’s take a look at some facts about the Grammar Schools and Independent (Private) school systems to have a better insight into what is the best choice for your child.

What are independent schools?

Independent schools are fee-paying schools. As in the name, they are independent in its finances and do not receive any funding from the government. So you need to pay fees ranging from £15,000 to £30,000 per annum.

Many Independent schools in London and around London have their own 11 plus entrance test examination to get entry to secondary school. Though Independent schools are very attractive when looked at from the high standards of education imparted by them, you should be concerned about the commuting distance also. It is also necessary for parents to look at the viability concerning the annual school fees that they would be paying.

Some schools offer bursaries and scholarships for exceptionally bright and academically talented students. Parents who cannot afford to pay the fees for top independent schools can prepare their child from primary KS1 and KS2 for 11 plus entrance exam rigorously to win academic scholarship and bursaries for entry to London’s top Independent Secondary Schools.

Some of the independent schools also offer scholarships based on music, arts, and sports.

There are other more expensive private schools such as boarding schools, with the fees covering living costs during term time.

What are the Grammar schools?

Grammar schools are non-fee-paying schools. These are state secondary schools that select their students by an entrance examination taken by children called “11-plus”. The children need to sit this exam when they are 11 years old.

Grammar schools are free, but that does not mean they do not have high standards of education. England today has 163 grammar schools with 167,000 pupils. From these figures, parents can determine how much important these schools are. So many students from these schools have made a mark in various fields.

Grammar schools are government-funded, but the children who pass their entrance exams can only secure a seat here. These entrance exams are commonly known as the 11+ and are taken in standard 6, i.e. age 10/11. The exams can cover one or more of the following four areas: Verbal reasoning, Non-Verbal reasoning, English, and Maths.

Grammar schools are highly selective with high standards. It is for this reason that you will find many grammar schools at the top of national school league tables.

Which School is the Best for your child, Independent or Grammar?

As stated earlier there isn’t much of difference between Independent schools and Grammar schools. A private school may be able to provide an academically challenging environment, pay more considerable attention to students’ needs and also make sure that every student graduating would attend University later. But you should be ready to shell out a large portion of your income as fees.

The education imparted by grammar schools is also of a high standard, and the best part is, they are non-fee-paying schools.

Now that you are entirely aware of the facts, you can deliberate and carefully weigh the pros and the cons while choosing the best of schooling for your child.

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