11 plus Verbal Reasoning

11 plus Verbal Reasoning is a subject of the 11+ exam that evaluates children’s problem-solving skills. It is the ability to understand and logically work through concepts and problems expressed in words. This subject provides an assessment of a child’s ability to think, reason and solve problems in different ways.

As this subject is not dealt with in the classroom, much focus is given for its preparation. It becomes difficult to grasp the topics of verbal reasoning unless your child has a thorough understanding of both Maths and English.

11plusehelp.co.uk comes up with its best resource providing the means for your child’s preparation. As the content for 11 plus verbal reasoning is not same for all the 11 plus exam papers, our site has included covering the utmost topics.

The list of topics your child can prepare under verbal reasoning are given below:

Insert a letter, analogies, odd one out, shuffled sentences, three-letter missing word, letter sequences, compound words, anagrams, code words, similar meanings, opposites, calculating with letters, related numbers, number equations, hidden words, young animals, shuffled sentences, misplaced words and many other topics related to vocabulary.

We offer a lot of topic-wise tests, short and long tests, 11+ mock test, 11 plus sample papers making your child practise them efficiently. Several tests are being updated daily, which your child can attempt and get the results in no time.

Your child needs an excellent vocabulary to perform well in verbal reasoning tests. Plenty of online flashcards are also available under “My Flashcards” menu helping your child to develop vocabulary skills like learning meanings of most of the words, its synonyms and opposites.

Thus your child can take up the 11 plus test at ease and get admitted into one of the best secondary schools in London.

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