Tutor guidance

Tutor guidance

11plusehelp is a one-stop-shop of unlimited tests.11 Plus Tutors can register and login to assign unlimited tests to their students.

11plusehelp contains the information you need to administer and can answer questions you may have, such as:

  • How do I assign the assessments to the students?
  • Which reports are available of the students and what information can 11plusehelp show me?
  • How can I work with students to implement the results from 11plusehelp?


How to Assign Tests to your student?

Here you can select students and assign them any test from the list of unlimited tests given in 11plusehelp platform. You can find the tests provided with the Test name, to which subject the test belongs, the difficulty level of the test, and the duration of the test. This information will help you to assign tests to your students according to their abilities.

11plusehelp offers a lot of Maths, English, Verbal reasoning, Non-Verbal Reasoning, mock tests, Latymer sample papers, Manchester sample papers, etc., to assign them to any of the students you select.

How to assess students?

11plusehelp offers a menu of assigned tests where Eleven Plus Tutors can find the test results and history of your student. You can access the student’s name, the tests assigned to him, the difficulty level of the tests, duration of the tests, and the number of attempts he made. 11plusehelp offers an opportunity of Average indicator to work with the students to implement their results.

You must go through resources like CGP 11 plus test books, best 11 Plus practice books, KSOL 11 Plus books, bond books grammar school, 11 Plus vocabulary practice book KS2 and eleven plus for understanding the concepts based on the test your child is taking. The second thing is that children do need to familiarize themselves with the types of 11 Plus exam questions to do well.

Tutor Features:

Tutor Features at 11PluseHelp.co.uk


Tutor – How to add new Students?

Tutor – How to add new Students?


11 Plus Preparation – Help for Eleven Plus Tutors

11 Plus Preparation – Help for tutors


11 plus tutors-How do I Assign Tests to my students or children?

How do I Assign Tests to my students or children?

How to keep your child calm?

If your child is concerned about taking the 11 plus exam, we suggest

  • Build up confidence in them that everything goes fine and just to give their best on the exam day.
  • Don’t put too much stress on them and avoid comparing with other peers.
  • Take an active role in supporting your child in preparation by making a study schedule.
  • Give praise where praise is due. Applaud them if they get good scores in practice tests.
  • Teach them to be resilient.
  • Tell your child that it doesn’t matter what the test result is, their effort is important.
  • Make them feel that you have the utmost faith in them.

You can find all the mentioned above things on our site at a very low cost of the subscription.

We provide you with the best teaching material for 11 Plus online tuition through videos. Our 11 Plus guide helps you get thorough with the concepts. We also provide the 11 Plus one to one tutors and private tutor for 11 Plus Exam. Besides we offer various type of tests which include

  • Subject-wise tests: online 11 Plus Maths tests, English Grammar school test, free Verbal and Non-verbal reasoning tests, Non-verbal reasoning worksheets, academy Plus logic test.
  • School-specific tests: kent test practice papers, Grammar school test papers with answers, Bexley 11 test papers, Bond GL assessment test, CEM sample test papers, Medway test practice papers, Birmingham grammar test, Sutton 11 Plus exam
  • Time-based tests: short and long tests.
  • 11 Plus mock test papers pdf

You can access 11 Plus FREE Papers by visiting the below link:

You can access 11 Plus FREE Sample Papers by visiting the below link:

To access our virtual mocks visit the link:


11 Plus complete solution features:


Practice and Perseverance Over Genius and Talent



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