11 plus Algebra
11 plus Algebra
11plusehelp.co.uk offers a lot of 11+ past test papers, 11+ practice test papers about all topics of Algebra. You can access them for unlimited times.
This online educational platform 11plusehelp.co.uk is specially designed by Artificial Intelligence, where you will find condensed content and customized 11+ test papers also.
In Algebra, a variable is a symbol (or letter), which is used to represent an unknown number.
For e.g x is variable in 12x term.
An expression can be a term or a collection of terms separated by addition or subtraction or multiplication or division operators.
Some examples of algebraic expressions:
For the term 4x, 4 is the coefficient.
For the term –16y, –16 is the coefficient.
Example 1
What is the value of y in the equation :
y = 2x + 4x – 5x ?
y = 6x-5x
y = x
11 plus Algebra is an important life skill for your child worth understanding well. It moves your child beyond basic math and prepares them for statistics and calculus. It is beneficial for real-life important jobs for your child to enter into a second career.
Algebra is described as doing computations similar to those of arithmetic but with non-numerical mathematical symbols. This method of representation helps in allowing the general formulation of arithmetic laws.
Though it sounds simple, it is hard for many children to understand the concepts of algebra. The algebraic operations often confuse them. This confusion leaves them lagging. When they cannot catch up with other kids, they feel it awkward and get scared. They cannot ask doubts again and again when other children move on. This situation makes them afraid of Algebra. But once they are trained well, nothing is going to stop them.
Here comes 11plusehelp.co.uk comes at their rescue. Make your child follow the concepts and material offered by 11plusehelp.co.uk, and they will get perfected through Algebra and excel their 11plus Maths Exams perfectly with higher grades.
11plusehelp.co.uk provides Algebraic expressions, list of all basic algebraic formulae and some definitions regarding Algebra with examples of algebraic expressions for efficient practice of your child.
So, 11plusehelp.co.uk welcome all the concerned parents, who want their child to excel in the most important exam of their life to join us and help their child to excel Algebra efficiently.
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