Westminster School 11 Plus Entry Process…..

Westminster School 11 Plus Entry Process…..


The ISEB Pre-Test (Independent Schools Examinations Board) is an online assessment normally taken by students in Year 6 or 7 for both 11+ and 13+ entry for the selection process at a number of independent schools in the UK.

This test is age-standardized, and candidates are therefore at no disadvantage if they sit the exam earlier, rather than later, i.e. between 1st October and 1st February of Year 6.

If your child is offered a senior school place after completing these tests, they must again sit the Common Entrance examinations in Year 8.

Parents do not need to register their children for the Common Pre-Tests since Senior schools will inform parents about it and will register the candidates.

Due to the increasing number of boys applying for 11+ entry, we now use an electronic assessment in the Admissions Process.
These are set by the ISEB (Independent Schools Examination Board) and are called the ISEB Common Pre-Tests. Many senior schools use them.
The tests will consist of papers in Mathematics, English, Verbal Reasoning, and Non-Verbal Reasoning and can only be taken once.

Do check our article to know more about ISEB:


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Westminster school entrance exam papers


Approximately 90 boys are then selected for the next stage in the admissions process.
They are invited back to the school on 26 January 2019 to take additional written papers in Mathematics and English (Please be aware that we do not provide past papers).

11 Plus Mathematics

We would expect that the boys sitting the 11+ Mathematics test would have completed the program of study contained within the National Curriculum at Key Stage Two, or its equivalent.
We would also expect that these boys achieve Level 5 in their Key Stage Two SATs or their equivalent.
We are particularly interested in the boys’ ability to apply the mathematics they have learned in the context of problem-solving.

11 Plus English

Boys will be tested on their reading and writing skills, though the precise nature of these assessments will vary from year to year.
Examples might include comprehensions, descriptive writing activities, short reviews, and invitations to continue a passage in the author’s voice. We want boys with a history of wide-ranging and ambitious reading, particularly those with developing awareness of how great writers use language for effect. Boys will be expected to display an extensive vocabulary and show that they can write extended prose both fluently and accurately.

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GCSE and A-Level results in Independent and schools Grammar:

GCSE and A-Level results in Independent and schools Grammar

Westminster School 11 Plus Entry Process:


Based on the results of the written papers, we will invite approximately 50 boys back for an interview. This is a chance for us to get to know the boys and their interests.


You can get an idea about the Common Pre-test by going through previous Westminster school entrance exam papers available on our site. The written Exam is compulsory in Westminster School 11 Plus Entry Process.

You can get complete details about Westminster School here:


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GCSE and A-Level results in Independent and schools Grammar

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Grammar or Independent schools:

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