11 Plus Non Verbal Reasoning Tests

11 Plus Non Verbal Reasoning Tests

11 Plus Non-Verbal Reasoning Tests available @ 11PluseHelp.co.uk

11 plus non-verbal reasoning contains questions in the form of figures or pictures. Children need to understand the given visual information and solve the question. To understand and solve such type of questions, children need to use their logical and analytical skills. No prior knowledge of any subject is not necessary to solve non-verbal reasoning questions asked in 11 plus entrance exams, just need a logical thinking brain.

Let’s check out some examples for better understanding. For more practice, many 11 plus online tests are available.


11 Plus Similarity Example2:




11plusehelp.co.uk/ helps your children to develop their logical and analytical skills by providing 11 plus practice tests on each topic of non-verbal reasoning.

We have the following 11+ Non-verbal Reasoning Tests:

S.No 11 Plus NVR Tests
1 NVR Mixed 01
2 NVR Similarity 01
3 NVR Relationship 01
4 NVR Odd One Out 03
5 NVR Odd One Out 02
6 NVR Odd One Out 01
7 NVR Mirror Image 01
8 NVR Folding Paper 01
9 NVR Dice and Embedded Figures
10 NVR Counting 01
11 NVR Patterns 03
12 NVR Patterns 02
13 NVR Patterns 01
14 NVR Grouping 02
15 NVR Grouping 01
16 NVR Codes 01
17 NVR Analogies 01
18 NVR Series 04
19 NVR Series 03
20 NVR Series 02
21 NVR Series 01
22 Non-Verbal Reasoning Demo Test

11pluehelp.co.uk designed the test papers to make the child learn oneself on figures, drawing inferences, identifying the relationships, similarities of the figures arranged in a pattern. These 11+ Non-verbal Reasoning practice papers will improve core skills and helps to score high in 11 plus entrance exams.

You can access 11 Plus FREE Papers by visiting the below link:

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11 Plus complete solution features:


Practice and Perseverance Over Genius and Talent



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