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11 Plus Three-letter Missing Word

11 Plus Three-letter Missing Word

An ample amount of online exam practice tests on the Verbal Reasoning Three-Letter Missing Word topic are available at our eleven plus forum 11plusehelp.co.uk.

In the Three-Letter Missing word, a sentence is given in the question. There will be an incomplete word that is highlighted with capital letters. When added to that incomplete word at the correct place, the child must find out the right three-letter word forms a new word that gives sensible meaning to the sentence.

It is important first to identify the context of the sentence so that your brain can recollect the words relating to it. This makes your job much easier.

Have a look at below sample questions on Three-Letter Missing Word from our 11 plus website



For more sample tests on all verbal reasoning topics, browse the link given below:


Verbal Reasoning tests your comprehension skills rather than testing your book knowledge. It is defined as “Understanding and comprehending using concepts formed in words.” With no school teaching these skills to children, it is important to learn them from other resources.

Our platform 11plusehelp.co.uk has covered many practice entrance exam papers and other entrance test resources to improve your child usefulness for the Eleven Plus exam. We provide a lot of verbal reasoning question tests for children such as verbal assessments, verbal reasoning practice papers, 11 plus verbal reasoning sample papers, verbal reasoning worksheets, 11 verbal reasoning practice papers free, 11 verbal reasoning past papers, online verbal reasoning test free, verbal mocks, free verbal reasoning tests with answers and many more.

Your child needs an excellent English vocabulary to perform well in verbal reasoning tests. Plenty of online flashcards are also available under the “My Flashcards” menu helping your child develop vocabulary skills. This helps your child get acquainted with most of the words, their synonyms and opposites.

11 Plus Verbal Reasoning Topic-wise free Practice Tests:


At 11plusehelp.co.uk, we possess the following resources:

Maths- 11 Plus Maths Worksheets, 11 Plus Maths Papers free download, 11 Plus Maths topics pdfs.

English- 11 Plus English papers with answers, 11 Plus comprehension with answers, 11 English comprehensions multiple-choice, English reasoning test.

Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning- 11 Plus Verbal Reasoning worksheets free, Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning tests, easy Non-Verbal Reasoning Worksheets

Practice Tests- Eleven plus sample papers, free 11 plus papers with answers, 11 plus mock test papers pdf, 11 exam question and answers, UK 11 plus exam questions, 11 online tests in Maths and English with 11 Plus answers.

Topic-wise tests, Mixed type tests, Short tests, Long tests and Mock tests:


These tests are useful for preparing 11+ CEM, CSSE and GL assessment and any other 11 Plus entrance examinations in the UK.

CEM- CEM assessments, CEM 11 papers pdf, CEM 11 Familiarization papers:https://www.11plusehelp.co.uk/11-plus-exam-papers/11-plus-cem-exam


GL assessment - https://www.11plusehelp.co.uk/11-plus-gl-assessment-exam

Top 100 Independent School Details:https://www.11plusehelp.co.uk/top-100-independent-schools

All Grammar Schools Details:https://www.11plusehelp.co.uk/list-of-grammar-schools

11 Plus Topic-wise Free Practice Papers:


Revision Pack, and guide free advice, pack your bags to the grammar school/ private school you dream of with all this preparation.

11 Plus Revision Pack:


We have loads of questions useful for preparing CEM, CSSE and GL assessment and any other 11 Plus Entrance Examinations. Thus your child can take up the 11 plus test at ease and get admitted into one of the best secondary schools in the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland.

Children will love to take these tests, and learning is fun at 11plusehelp.co.uk.

To access Virtual Mock Exams, please visit:  https://11plus-mockexams.co.uk/

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