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11plus Hidden Word sample papers

11plus Hidden Word sample papers

Solve this Question

“Which part of the sentence contains a four-letter hidden word?”


He picked up the sword to lunge at once.

1. lunge at

2. the sword

3. He picked

4. at once

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Solve this Question

Find the four-letter word hidden at the end of one word and the beginning of the next word. The order of the letter may not be changed.


she addressed this meeting in my school.

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Solve this Question

Find the four-letter word hidden at the end of one word and the beginning of the next word. The order of the letter may not be changed.


Somehow he began avoiding alcohol easily after taking a vow.    



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Solve this Question

“Which part of the sentence contains a four-letter hidden word?”


Alice parades kittens in the cat show.

1. parades kittens

2. kittens in

3. cat show

4. in the

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Solve this Question

Which part of the sentence contains a four-letter hidden word?


High salary job looks even more appealing to him.


1. High salary

2. more appealing

3. job looks

4. salary job

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