11 Plus Independent Schools
11PluseHelp.co.uk is a one-stop shop for 11 Plus preparation, including Independent schools preparation.
We are the only online provider of Independent school past Maths papers in question and answer test format. Instead of simply providing an answer, we provide detailed explanations to all Independent Maths past papers. We encourage the child to learn logic and provide basic fundamentals behind the question. This’ll encourage children to attempt and solve each and every question. Our pattern improves children’s confidence significantly, and they’ll be more willing to answer unfamiliar questions. We’ve top Independent school 11 Plus Maths past papers, and we continuously add more papers regularly.
Independent Papers – Self Correction Mode
When you take the 11PluseHelp.co.uk Independent Papers test, you’ve 3 choices to take the exam.
- PRACTICE MODE: There is no time limit when you take the exam.
- START MODE: Exam mode with the time limit.
- SELF CORRECTION MODE: You can mark Correct / Wrong / Not Attempted at the end of an exam.
11 Plus Independent Schools Random Questions and Explanations:
11 Plus Independent School Selection Process:
Latest 11 Plus Independent School Past papers solutions:
We’ve detailed explanations to all the Maths Independent schools papers:
We have detailed step by step explanations (self-explanatory) to all Maths questions, including many Independent schools past Maths papers.
We’re following 11 Plus Maths Independent schools' papers, and we are adding more Independent schools papers regularly.
The papers so far added are:
- City of London School
- St.Paul’s School
- The Haberdashers’ Aske’s Boys’ School, Elstree
- Bancroft’s School
- King’s College Junior School, Wimbledon
- Sevenoaks School
- Dulwich College
- North London Independent Girls Schools Consortium Group-1
Francis Holland (Sloane Square)
Francis Holland (Regent’s Park)
Heathfield School
Notting Hill and Ealing High School
Queen’s College
St. Helen’s School
South Hampstead High School
The Royal School, Hampstead
- North London Independent Girls Schools Consortium Group-2
Channing School
City of London School for Girls
More House
Northwood College
Queen’s Gate School
St. James Independent School
The Godolphin and Latymer School.
Not in the consortium
Three schools that some families also consider are not in the consortium:
North London Collegiate School for girls
St. Paul’s Girls School
Haberdasher's Askes’ Girls School
Other parents’ feedback can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/11PluseHelp/posts/384771388558761
You may also wish to go through the differences between Grammar and Independent schools here:
11 Plus Independent School Preparation Video link: https://youtu.be/K4L83ofSsCs
You can access 11 Plus FREE Papers by visiting the below link:
You can access 11 Plus FREE Sample Papers by visiting the below link:
11 Plus complete solution features:
Practice and Perseverance Over Genius and Talent